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My Journey in Writing

My name is Lynne Stringer and I love writing! Of course, that’s not all I love. I also love reading books, especially ones that take me out of the every day and into a new world. It doesn’t have to be a completely imaginary world, either. Anything with fascinating characters and interesting storylines will do. My first young adult novel, The Heir, was accepted for publication by Wombat Books and released on 1 June 2013. It is the first book in the Verindon trilogy. It’s so exciting to have a real copy of my book in my hands.

My Life with Groucho: A Son's Eye View

My Life with Groucho: A Son's Eye View - Arthur Marx Having long been a fan of the Marx Brothers, I enjoyed reading about Groucho's life, although the story certainly becomes poignant at the end. There's no doubt that Groucho's life was an amazing one (as was his talent) and his son, Arthur, has captured it well. Highly recommended.